
Welcome to the Stark County Human Resource Association

Letter From The President

Welcome to the Stark County Human Resource Association website (SCHRA). We are a diverse, talented group of HR Professionals who gather monthly representing the Vision and Mission of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).  We meet and network to gain knowledge from our speakers, learn from each other and strengthen our HR abilities through our memberships in both SCHRA and in SHRM.  We serve our employers, our employees, and the communities in which we live and work.  As an organization, and a local affiliate of SHRM, we strive to provide value added services to our members and to be recognized as the HR voice in our communities.    

Thank you for the privilege to serve you as your chapter President for 2023.  It is an honor to work alongside my fellow officers; Colleen Maurer, Vice President; Terri Fullmer, Secretary; and Tracy Long; Treasurer.  We are also grateful to our Directors; Ron Rodak, Membership; Stacey Fallot, Certification; Krista Allison, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; Brenda Basso, Marketing; Natalie Clickett, Communications; and Gust Callas, Governmental Affairs and Julie Bland, Workforce Readiness.          

Your SCHRA board is grateful for the opportunity to present pertinent speakers, networking opportunities and to deliver more for your membership.  We offer local monthly in-person educational and networking meetings.  We also offer a virtual meeting option with our morning “Coffee and Chat’s” presentation each month.  These allows our members to benefit from a minimum of two consistent monthly options for interaction with subject matter experts and their HR peers for new learning opportunities.  We seek out and provide additional networking opportunities and educational content related to our profession’s core leadership values each year to provide more value-added membership benefits.   If you are a new or returning member, we welcome you to join or rejoin Stark County HRA.  Our goal is to enhance your membership experience and serve your needs.  In addition to ongoing education and networking, we also offer volunteer opportunities for those members who have a heart to serve on committees or as volunteer leaders.  Please reach out to our Membership Director or other board member to get more information on joining and serving Stark County Human Resource Association!      

Stella Tsirelis   

Chapter President